(A Result Oriented Institute)

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified)

Dear Students,

Firstly, I would like to communicate my appreciation for the belief you have shown in MARVELLOUS INSTITUTE.
"Congratulations for your decision to choose civil services as a career option. Civil services have been a dream of Individuals for many decades because of its incredible traditions and the greatest of all is the 'honor'. Indian civil services commanded honor from all parts of the world, and it has been the steel frame of Indian democracy."
In the socio-educational system it is the most crucial phase in your life to choose a prestigious career. Every student wishes to lead a successful career as an IAS or an IPS. Before making preparations for the Examination, it is not only important to know what should be studied but it is also of paramount importance to know what should the strategy for preparation. It has been the endeavor of this Institute to keep pace with the latest techniques and adopt new thoughts in guiding the students. Our emphasis is on providing quality education for those who want to prepare themselves for exams like for UPSC OR STATE PSC. Students should remember 3 simple steps for success :
• Follow your teachers
• Attend classes regularly
• Do self study.

As we know "Practice makes a man perfect." Quality of this institution is beckoned by continuous hard working of well qualified and experienced faculties. Some time it comes in students mind that some particular subject or topic is too hard to understand. But it's never true. Each and every subject or topic is easy if there is a good teaching technique. We strive to provide knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes and beliefs that are essential for a productive, successful and happy life. We recognize that these goals are best achieved when the institution provides an environment in which faculties, parents, staffs and others develop and practice core values that benefit the academic, emotional and social needs of all students. MARVELLOUS Institute's efforts are aimed at higher benchmarks and further refinement.

Flying on the wings of vision and ignited by the spark of passion, our mission is to set ourselves not just to enrich the legacy we have created, but to excel one milestone after another with clock-work precision and habituated ease. Driven by the relentless efforts of the years that have gone by, we modulate leadership that when integrated with latest technology and global perspective steers close to the best practices in UPSC & STATE PSC preparation. As we visualize the future, we feel the urgency to make rapid strides in harnessing the latest teaching techniques and addressing ourselves in the context of changing entrance exams scenario. MARVELLOUS Institute is working towards being centre of excellence for UPSC & MPPSC exam preparation. With the new changes pattern we are set to provide our students with real practical skills that meet the necessary needs of exam pattern & preparation UPSC Civil Service Examination is considered as one of the toughest examinations in the country. It tests the intellectual traits of a Civil Service aspirant and also it is a comprehensive test of one's personality. The wide variety of subjects an aspirant study as part of the General Studies and Optional subjects prepares them for accepting a lot of diversity once they are getting into the service. Some aspirants, who have not understood the complete requirement for UPSC Exams, are getting lured by the various promotional advertisements or artificial false claim. The need of the hour is the aspirant should have clear strategy for all the three stages (Prelims, Mains & Personality Test) of the UPSC Exams, instead having focus only for the Prelims. Here with, we have given below some of the parameters an aspirant should know before taking up his / her career in UPSC Civil Services...........

1. Clarity of Thoughts

Human being is bestowed with thinking capacity. No other creature on earth has such a great power. "The secret of our strength is the power of thinking". We can analyze the situations and can take right decisions whenever necessary. But our thinking can be perplexed at one time and clear at another time. Even top intellectuals take wrong decisions at some point of time due to lack of clarity in thinking. The biggest obstacle standing in the way of success is lack of clarity in thoughts. A man with clear plans and thoughts is always a champion and achieves his goals. Therefore, an aspirant should be clear as to why he/she wants to choose Civil Services as their career choice

2. Do not prepare only for the Prelims Exam

An aspirant who has chosen UPSC civil services as his/her career, should not prepare only for the Prelims Exam without understanding the complete requirement of the UPSC Exams. The aspirants should do some ground work by going through various UPSC portals, or taking guidance from successful candidates who have cleared the UPSC exams in the past to understand the requirements for preparation. One should prepare adequately for all the three stages of exam.

3. Choose your Optionals Wisely

Once you have chosen a career in Civil Services, you should be prepared to toil consistently for a minimum period of one and half years and also prepare yourself for more, if necessary. As far as the Civil Services Exam, is concerned, there are no good Optionals and bad Optional nor there are high scoring or low scoring Optionals. It is a level playing field for all Optional, provided you need to have a genuine interest in it. Availability of study materials and Quality coaching are added advantage, provided you put in the required hard work.

4. Don't change your Optionals

You need to be very careful while choosing optional subjects but once you have chosen them; you should, as far as possible, stick to it. Frequent change of Optionals would make you confused.

5. Reinvigorate Yourself

"Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit" Napoleon Hill Unlike other examinations, in the Civil Services Exam, the commitment and involvement of the aspirants are paramount. Coaching Institutes can only guide but all the hard work is left to the student. There are times when one might feel downcast and lack of confidence. It must be borne by all the aspirants that, such phases are common in one's life. Moreover UPSC exams preparations go on for a year and demands consistent performance. One should not get dejected; instead, one should take a break and come back reinvigorated with fresh enthusiasm.

6. Follow the trend of Questioning

An Aspirant should be inquisitive for Prelims & Mains and go through the previous year's question papers. One should be positive and optimistic in his/her approach as far as solutions to different problems are concerned. It will in turn reflect and create a good impression upon the evaluator.

7. Written Skills

Good writing skills are essential for effective communication. Learning to write well takes time and practice. Main exams are descriptive type and have word count limitations....... One should not write more or less than the prescribed word limits. Also, most of the question ends with Discuss, Brief, Explain, and Elucidate.....etc. Therefore, the aspirants should practice a lot by taking notes regularly in their own handwriting to improve their writing skills.

8. Communication Skills

The ability to communicate is the primary factor that distinguishes human beings from animals. And it is the ability to communicate well that distinguishes one individual from another. To prepare for the personality test, one It is a long term process and one can only fine-tune it. Effective communication involves admitting when you're wrong. One does not lose marks for saying 'I don't know', though not for every question. The Board will appreciate one's sincerity. Also, one should never bluff or self-contradict, avoid argument and always have a balanced option about every question.

Our focus at MARVELLOUS is to provide our students with best education and to prepare them for rewarding careers. We accomplish this by creating a unique educational environment through high-quality academic programs, caring faculty and meticulous administration. Your association with MARVELLOUS will be the wisest decision of your life, which will make you proud throughout your life. I promise to turn your ignorance into awareness, your fear into confidence and above all, to transform your doubts into strength. Our only appeal to the students is: Be regular and punctual to the classes; Be positive and forward looking; Be open to us — in case of any complaint, directly write and give your complaint to me; have full faith in the organization that you have joined — we will always give you the best possible teaching as we are always aware of the quantum of faith and the trust you have bestowed upon us, and moreover, we are always concerned with the fact that we have to remain the best and to produce the maximum no. of genuine results.

"I Wish You The Best " And Know, You'll Find The Very Best At MARVELLOUS.